Promise History
1.12.01 - “Preserve rent control for existing tenants across Ontario”
In late 2018, the Ontario government lifted rent control on new residential buildings but reiterated its commitment to maintaining rent control for existing tenants of units in buildings occupied before November 15, 2018. The government continues to defend this decision, arguing that it has spurred more housing development.
“Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford removed rent control on new units after taking power in 2018. […] A spokeswoman for the Progressive Conservatives defended the decision to remove rent control on new units, saying it actually served to spur more building.”
Ontario Liberals and NDP offer different rent control promises
“The Ontario Government says it is lifting rent control on new buildings, in an effort [to] […] open up the rental market. The new measure applies to units ‘if no part of the building, mobile home park or land lease community, or no part of the addition, was occupied for residential purposes on or before November 15, 2018.’ [Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, and Chair of Cabinet] Vic Fedeli stressed the move only applies to ‘new builds.’ ‘To be very, very clear, existing buildings continue to have their rent controlled, this is for new builds and I would expect that buildings that are started fresh,’ he said. ‘Everybody who is an existing tenant today is protected,’ he said.”
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