Promise History
1.03.13 - “[R]e-negotiate other energy contracts [that are not in the pre-construction phase]”
The Ontario government opted to cancel the partially-built White Pines Wind Project altogether rather than re-negotiate the contracts. The promise is therefore considered broken.
“An Ontario court has overturned the Conservative government’s decision to cancel the partially built Nation Rise wind farm south of Ottawa. The company behind the wind farm filed an application for judicial review in December after Environment Minister Jeff Yurek revoked its environmental approval, citing concern for the welfare of local bats. But Yurek lacked the legal authority to do so and either misunderstood or ignored key evidence showing bats wouldn’t be at risk, the Ontario Superior Court found, outlining a long list of errors in the minister’s move to cancel the project.”
Court overturns Ford government's decision to cancel partially built wind farm
“Ontario’s Environment Minister has cancelled a $200-million wind farm south of Ottawa — one almost fully constructed — because the giant turbines pose a threat to nearby bat populations. In a Dec. 4 letter, Minister Jeff Yurek said he’s revoking the approval given to the Nation Rise Wind Farm, which has already erected a number of the 29 planned turbines in a rural area near the villages of Crysler and Finch in the Township of North Stormont.”
Ontario cancels nearly-built $200M wind farm over threat to bat populations
“Provincial documents show the Ford government spent more than $230 million to cancel renewable energy projects that included a partially-built wind farm in a cabinet minister’s riding. […] The associate minister of energy, Bill Walker, said the province didn’t need the power from the White Pines project but didn’t deny the cost of the cancellation.”
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