
New Brunswick
In office
Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
2,044 days in office
59th legislature of New Brunswick
09 Nov 2018 - 17 Aug 2020
60th legislature of New Brunswick
29 Sep 2020 - Present

The 2020 New Brunswick general election was held on September 14 to elect the 49 members of the 60th Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick.

The Progressive Conservative Party, led by incumbent Premier Blaine Higgs, won 27 seats, forming a majority government. Higgs was head of a minority government since the 2018 elections.

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Promise History

2.03.07 - “$2.8 million was invested to support [the creation of the Véloroute] and under that existing funding program, [we] will approve the remaining $600,000 which will be used for scenic vistas, directional signage and gates.”

In progress

En février 2022, le gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick confirmait que: “La Véloroute de la Péninsule acadienne inc. recevra environ 181 000 $ pour rénover un édifice existant à Inkerman Ferry afin de le transformer en aire de repos et lieu de rassemblement pour les utilisateurs de la piste cyclable.”

In February 2022 the Government of New Brunswick confirmed that: “La Véloroute de la Péninsule acadienne inc. will receive approximately $181,000 to renovate an existing building at Inkerman Ferry to turn it into a rest area and gathering place for users of the bike trail.”


Started tracking on: 01-Feb-2023

Reference Documents

« L’organisme dit que la base de son circuit est terminée. En ce moment-ci, on travaille sur l’affichage sur les sentiers, ce qu’on espère terminer à l’automne, indique Serge Dugas. »

“The provincial and federal governments are contributing nearly $5.5 million to develop 37.6 kilometres of bike trails linking the communities of Tracadie, Shippagan and Caraquet. […] The federal government is providing a non-repayable contribution of $2,743,179 through ACOA’s Innovative Communities Fund. The provincial government is also providing $2,743,179 through the Regional Development Corporation.”

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