Promise History
2.03.002 - “A re-elected CAQ government will] introduce a bill that would enshrine the [partnership approach with Indigenous organizations and communities] principle in the Health and Social Services Act.”
« Les appels au retrait, au report ou à la réécriture complète du projet de loi sur la sécurisation culturelle se sont multipliés au même rythme où défilaient divers représentants autochtones en commission parlementaire cette semaine. Mais peu importe la force des vents contraires, le ministre Ian Lafrenière est déterminé à aller de l’avant. »
« Le projet de loi sur la sécurisation culturelle que tente d’imposer le ministre Ian Lafrenière, et surtout la manière dont il s’y prend, continuent de soulever l’indignation de plusieurs représentants des Premières Nations. À l’occasion de la première journée de consultations particulières, mardi, les épithètes “colonialiste”, “paternaliste”, “irrespectueux” et “insuffisant” ont été mentionnées pour décrire le projet de loi 32 intitulé Loi instaurant l’approche de sécurisation culturelle au sein du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux. »
« […] le gouvernement du Québec tente maintenant “un premier pas” en imposant sa version de la sécurisation culturelle des Autochtones dans le réseau de la santé. // La Commission des institutions de l’Assemblée nationale a entrepris mardi les consultations particulières sur le projet de “Loi instaurant l’approche de sécurisation culturelle au sein du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux”. »
Indigenous leaders disappointed with Quebec cultural safety in healthcare bill
A bill on the introduction of the cultural safety approach within the health and social services network has been tabled, but has not yet been adopted.
“Long-awaited, the bill to introduce a cultural safety approach within the health and social services network was presented on the last day of the parliamentary session. In its preamble, it states that “Aboriginals must be distinguished from other users, since they form nations with a distinct history and culture”.”
Le réseau de la santé devra tenir compte des réalités autochtones - Le Devoir
“The Minister responsible for Relations with First Nations and Inuit, Ian Lafrenière, has presented the National Assembly with a bill introducing a cultural safety approach to the health and social services network (RSSS).”
The government has tabled a bill on the introduction of cultural safety in the healthcare system. Although the bill has been criticized, article 1, paragraph 2, states that there will be a partnership between health establishments and aboriginals.
The government has not introduced legislation to enshrine a partnership with Aboriginal organizations and communities in the Act respecting health services and social services.
“we will do so in the coming months. The request is clear: include the principle of cultural safety in the Act respecting health services and social services. This is what we want to do. We are working to see how this will be done. The guide on cultural safety that was co-written with the First Nations will inspire us enormously in the tabling of our legislation.” (Traduction)”
Reference Documents
Follow-up to the Viens Commission
Act respecting health services and social services
“The purpose of the health and social services system instituted by this Act is to maintain and improve the physical, psychological and social capacity of persons to act in their environment and to carry out the roles they intend to assume in a manner acceptable to themselves and to the groups to which they belong.” (Traduction)”
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