
In office
Coalition avenir Québec
2,097 days in office
42nd Legislature of Quebec
03 Dec 2018 - 28 Aug 2022
43rd Legislature of Quebec
20 Oct 2022 - Present

The 2022 Quebec general election held on October 3, 2022 resulted in a second decisive victory for the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), led by François Legault. The CAQ won 90 of the 125 seats in the National Assembly, 16 more than in 2018, with 40.98% of the popular vote.

For more details on the Legault government’s first mandate, we invite you to consult the Legault Polimeter I and the following book: Bilan du gouvernement de la CAQ : Entre nationalisme et pandémie (2022).

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Promise History

2.05.10 - “A re-elected CAQ government promises] a $650 million “Fonds bleu” (blue Fund) to […] fight invasive plants in our lakes and rivers; to help our farmers expand the riparian buffer strips that protect our waterways; to clean up the banks of our rivers; and also, to accelerate the upgrading of septic systems in isolated residences […] Resources from the fund will be used to bring wastewater facilities up to standard, enhance efforts to combat invasive plants, and help prevent water shortages. [It will also make the protection of our lakes, rivers and other waterways a priority.”

Partially kept

« Le programme Stations de nettoyage d’embarcations se poursuit et bonifie son offre avec un budget de plus de 7 millions de dollars jusqu’en 2027-2028 afin de lutter contre les espèces aquatiques envahissantes en subventionnant, notamment, des projets d’implantation ou de réfection de stations de nettoyage d’embarcations. »

Partially kept

« Signe que la protection de l’eau est une priorité pour le gouvernement du Québec, le projet de loi no 20 visant à créer le Fonds bleu, déposé en avril dernier, vient tout juste d’être adopté à l’unanimité par l’Assemblée nationale du Québec. […] Doté d’un premier budget historique de 500 millions de dollars sur cinq ans, le Fonds bleu garantira un financement adéquat, prévisible et soutenu à des initiatives visant à assurer la protection, la restauration et la mise en valeur de l’eau. »

Partially kept

In the government’s budget, $500 million was allocated to create the Blue Fund rather than the $650 million promised.

“To achieve this, the government is investing $500 million over five years to support the creation of the Fonds bleu, a portion of which will be funded from the duty payable for water use, and is confirming the investments in Plan nature 2030.”

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Started tracking on: 20-Oct-2022
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